Wow! That title was a bit of a mouthful, but it says what needs saying. Yes, it is the end of summer and so today is the day to share all the photos I managed to find from
Rinda's list. I thoroughly enjoyed taking part this year. I have been a watcher the previous two years, always wishing towards the end that I had joined in and I am so happy to have been part of this great party this year!
So, what did I manage to get? Well, I have been posting all my finds over on my Scavenger Hunt page (link above), but I thought I would do another post here with them all on. I managed to find all 21 items and one of the reserves, so I am mightily pleased! On my other page I do have multiples of some items, so below you will see which ones I have actually chosen!
1. Open air market
In Sorrento |
2. Theater for performing arts (not a movie theater)
Opposite Penny's old flat in Folkestone |
3. City Hall, Capitol or other similar civic building
Basildon council offices |
4. Airplane
Waiting for our plane at Gatwick |
5. A sunset
View from our hotel terrace in Sorrento |
6. Someone or something taking a nap
Tired Ben on his trip home |
7. A sign that is intentionally or unintentionally funny
Seen at Tropical Wings on my birthday trip with Penny |
8. A tower
Hadleigh Castle - Friday picnic lunch with Penny |
9. A photo with someone or something that is clearly out of place or doesn't belong
Seen in the parrot enclosure at Tropical Wings |
10. A bench that is outside
Walk along from Papermill Lock with Penny and Wendy |
11. An animal in a zoo, aquarium, nature preserve, etc.
Tropical Wings again! |
12. A cloud in the shape of something (please specify what you see) - mine is an elephant's head - see its curled trunk?
Back garden - Hugh spotted this! |
13. A fence
Tropical Wings again! |
14. A stained glass object or a mosaic
Bath house in Herculaneum |
15. A fire truck or police car
Seen in Sorrento town |
16. A windmill
Mountnessing windmill - diversion on way home from work |
17. Candle(s)
Celebrating my birthday - cake made by Penny of course |
18. Your local pub/bar, coffee house or tea shop
Quart Pot pub - walking distance - nice lunch with Penny |
19. A fisherman
Friend Andy spotted whilst walking with Penny and Hugh - Papermill Lock |
20. A dinosaur
Ben's piece work dinosaur from many years ago that now lives in the utility room on top of a cupboard |
21. A photograph of you with an artistic tool or craft supply (you cannot substitute for this item)
Playing with my Gypsy and Cricut |
items. If you find any of the above items too difficult, feel free to
substitute either (or both) of these items. You can substitute up to
two items, but you cannot substitute Item #21:
A person wearing an outfit (or item of clothing) that symbolizes your country - did not get this :(
A sundial
Half a sundial at a temple in Pompeii |
What I really like is that they tell the story of my summer. The trips out with Penny, having Ben home for a short while, a holiday with Hugh, walks with Hugh and Penny and a couple of trips by myself just to get items on the list.
So, what am I going to do with these photos? Well, I am going to make a mini album with them and document about each photo - where it was taken and why it was a special part of summer. I will make it over the course of the next couple of months when I go to my Tuesday scrapbooking with Wendy and Sue as something small to work on is usually better than a 12x12 as we don't always have a lot of space to work on! Well, there is quite a bit of space, but not loads for three of us to spread out widely as I do when I scrapbook!
So, here ends summer! Thank you so much Rinda for organising this. I do hope that you do it again next year, as I for one will be joining in again! Please hop on over to
Rinda's blog to see what everyone else has managed to find this year.
Well done on finishing up: you have some great finds there. I like the sunset especailly
Some lovely photos there - the fisherman looks very happy. Had he just had a catch?
Margaret - glitterandglue
Great photos - the sunset is beautiful :)
Lovely photos, and such memories for you. Well done on getting them all. Kind regards, John W #17.
You got some great captures....I think I'm going to collage mine this year.
My favorite is the tower (it has such character) and the mosaic in the bath house. It was nice to see your photos.
Great shots. I love the sunset, it's stunning.
lots of wonderful photos I particular like Hadleigh castle as that is a favourite place of mine
Wonderful collection of photographs! I cant choose a favourite one but enjoyed the journey with you. Andy
Great photo of the sparrow on the water dish. Also love your sunset photo.
Great captures! Your shot of the dinosaur is still one of my favorites!!!
Especially loved the sunset and mosaic but they were all pretty spectacular!
Had a sparrow here on our feeders and was excited - they are rare in this bit of London. I too like how the collection tells the story of our summers - a mini book sounds good.
You have some great finds, I love your sunset and someone napping!
You have some great finds, I love your sunset and someone napping!
Congrats on such wonderful finds for the hunt!
Congrats on getting them all and what a fine mix of holiday and around town pics you got.
So many good ones, and I'm really glad you joined in this year.
I particularly like Ben napping, your sunset and your mosaic. Plus seeing your happy, smiling face at the end.
Great idea to make an album from your fine photos!
Enjoyed seeing them very much...the sundial in Pompeii = WOWEE
the sparrow that thinks he is a parrot ;)
Greetings from Virginia, USA
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