
Sunday 10 April 2016

Migraine Surgery

So, I am off to Berlin for migraine surgery! Yes, Berlin! The consultant I am seeing privately only does his operations in his clinic in Berlin, so although I had the Botox test done in Harley Street I have to travel a little further for surgery!

So what is this all about? Well the theory, and what has proved positive in my case, is that the Botox test which I had in February effectively simulates the long-term effect of the surgical procedure and therefore determines whether I was suitable for the migraine operation or not.  So I had Botox injected into the trigger points, which for me was the corrugator muscle above the eye and the back of the neck. During the time the Botox is in my system the muscle relaxes and therefore no longer agitates the trigeminal nerve, thereby avoiding the cascade of events that can lead to migraine attacks. This isn't the case for everyone and not everyone who has the injections has a positive result. However I am one of the lucky ones and I have not had a migraine for 2 months now. This means that I am suitable for migraine surgery.

The migraine surgery will involve the surgeon making a small incision along the eyelid crease in order to remove the pain triggering muscle –  the corrugator muscle. The nerve in the muscle is neither removed nor damaged in the procedure. By removing the muscle, the nerve in the trigger area above the eyebrow cannot be stimulated and therefore migraine symptoms are eliminated.
I will also have surgery on the back of my neck to relieve pressure on a nerve located in the neck.

This will all take about 2 1/2 hours under a general anaesthetic as a day patient. Hugh and I are booked into a hotel a stones throw from the hospital in Berlin and will spend the night before the op there and return there for the night after the op and fly home the day after.

I will need 2 weeks off work to convalesce and apparently I will have a very bruised eye! I'm not sure how much scrapbooking I will get done as the stitches and clips in my neck stay in for 10 days and I am not sure if I will be able to bend my neck well to look down at the page! I've got a few videos in to watch and Penny will be at home to look after me as she has finished uni for the time being!

I will probably not post on here for the next couple of weeks as I am off this afternoon for the op tomorrow, so I will sign off for now and be back again soon.


alexa said...

Oh my goodness, Becky, this sounds like quite a trip - hoping that all the travel and procedures go well and that it's a great result for you. Will be thinking of you and watching for your return. This comes with warmest good wishes.

Sian said...

Becky, wishing you all the very best with this, from all of us here. I'll be thinking about you and hoping you'll soon be back, letting us know how things went. This will be life changing..

This West London Life said...

Here's wishing that the surgery goes well. Will be thinking of you.

Melissa said...

Praying for you & a successful surgery & quick recovery!

Karen said...

I am wishing the same as others: successful surgery, safe travels, and quick recovery! We'll be thinking of you!

Susanne said...

Said a little prayer that all goes well. I had no idea there was an operation. My sister suffers with migraines as well, but repeated botox injections seems to have worked for her. She's not had a migraine nor needed any more injections for 6 months. I hope you are migraine free soon too.

Patio Postcards said...

Sending you lots & lots & lots of positive energy for a quick recovery. You are very brave to undertake such a procedure. I learnt something new today as I have never heard of this procedure.

Jo said...

I could only say this now that I know you've had the op and come out the other side but reading the details I think you are incredibly brave to have the operation x

Julia said...

Bit late with my good wishes but hope all has gone way and is a success. Speedy recovery x