Well, what a busy weekend that was! Penny arrived home from uni on Friday evening, we packed our overnight cases and then on Saturday morning left at 9am to drive to Cornwall. The journey down was actually not too bad and we arrived in Liskeard at 2.30pm and booked into the hotel. We then collected Ben and Rachel from the station and drove out to St Pinnock to visit the family. My father-in-law had absolutely no idea we were going down for his 90th birthday celebrations so it was a lovely surprise for him.
Dad opening his cards and presents |
His birthday was not actually until the Sunday, so on Saturday we just caught up on all the news and spent some lovely time together. Unfortunately Hugh's sister was not feeling too well following her operation so was not able to join us.
We spent Saturday night at the hotel in Liskeard and then returned to St Pinnock after breakfast where Dad opened his birthday presents. He had a lot of cards celebrating his 90th year!
Hugh, Rachel and Ben watching Dad! |
My niece, Lucy, had put together a wonderful celebration lunch and made this wonderful birthday cake too.
The table looking very festive
As Dad is diabetic he could not eat his birthday cake! However, Lucy made him his own little cake with a sugar substitute!
Dad enjoying his cake |
Me and Penny |
Hugh and his niece, Lucy |
Couldn't leave Mum out! Unfortunately all the photos taken of her at the table were terrible! She is the first to admit that she has never been very photogenic. However, I managed to get a photo of her and Hugh having a chat after lunch. The furry lump in the middle of the settee is Amber, her dog!
We left St Pinnock at 1.30pm, dropped Rachel and Ben back at the station and then drove Penny back to Folkestone, eventually arrivng home at 10pm on Sunday night - completely exhausted! However, it was worth it, as it is not every weekend that your father-in-law turns 90!
What a lovely celebration---and quite an accomplishment to reach 90 and look so wonderfully fit! I hope he feels as good as he looks.
That's a fine age to have reached and he is looking very well on it, as we say round here! Great happy family photos
Many happy returns to him! You've done a grand job of recording it all :).
Wonderful photos of a very special weekend. I bet he was delighted with the surprise of you all being there for it.
What lovely happy, family pics Becky!
Alison xx
It looks like you had a really lovely time and what a great surprise for your father in law, the cake looks amazing!
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