
Monday, 13 January 2014

A quick update

So here we are, Monday again, and an update on how my walking is going.
I have managed to get out every day and walked just about a mile a day, some days a little less, some a little more. I am quite happy with the distance travelled and time taken, my biggest achievement is just to get out and do the walk!

On Saturday I collected my new car, which was great fun and I am thrilled with it! I am now the proud owner of a Ford Kuga 4x4, so if it snows I should be ok! I picked it up in Dartford so drove it home from there (about 20 miles) and then in the afternoon drove it over to Hemel to show it to Mum and Dad, who approved. It is lovely to drive and I couldn't wait to get in it this morning to drive it to work.

A bit of family stress at the moment, which I don't want to talk about, but we will get through it together and hopefully come out stronger. Life is not always easy and I think we must appreciate the easy times a little more, in order to cope with the complicated stuff that is thrown at us now and again. That does mean that I may not be on here as much over the next few weeks, or be able to read and comment on your blogs as much, but do be reassured that I will be back and commenting soon.


Sandra said...

Enjoy your new car, it looks very nice, I must say :)

Hope it all works out sooner than you thought x

Anonymous said...

Well done on the walking and congrats on the new wheels. I hope the difficulties are soon over and stress levels return to normal quickly. We'll be here when you're back to blogging.

Jo said...

Well done with the walking. I love the new car! I hope your problems shrink quickly x

Sian said...

Hope things work themselves out for you x

Susanne said...

I applaud your consistency in the walking. And congrats on the new wheels. Said a little prayer that your family woes get settled.

alexa said...

Will be thinking of you and hoping that you will find your way through whatever the weeks ahead bring. Many congratulations on keeping up the walking!

Miriam said...

Congratulations on the daily walking and the new car is gorgeous. I am sorry that your road ahead is a little less smooth than you would like. I hope things return to a more settled way soon. Take care of yourself.

Missus Wookie said...

Hope things sort out for you and yours. Congratulations on the walking habit and new car.

Melissa said...

Great job on the walking!!! I've been riding the stationary bike - every day except the ones I was traveling this past week.

What a fantastic new car - hope you are enjoying it.

Sending prayers that the family stress will be quickly resolved!