Phew! It has taken ages for me to get around to posting this layout! Actually I only finished it this weekend. I had done most of it at the last crop I went to, but needed to do a title. We then went on holiday and had so many other things on that I only got around to finishing it this weekend.
Apart from the bakers twine and the alphabet and a sticker or two, the layout is made using the last bits from the kit.
The dots are from the Thickers I used. I am trying to use up odd sheets of Thickers to try and tidy up my alphabet stash!
The journalling out of its pocket.
I actually managed to finish this one, and do another two layouts last Friday afternoon, so I will share those with you later in the week, along with some more stories about our holiday.
I really like how you tucked away the journaling on this one.
So many lovely elements to this layout
Such a good feeling when we have completed something! I am a fan of pockets too ...
Love how you've tucked the journaling away and so nice that you managed to get a few layouts done even with having been away.
The colours on this really are lovely! and I always like a close up of the journaling too. Brilliant.
Love the journalling hoping to get some scrapping done tomorrow!
Alison xx
Nice colors, and I like the polka-dots.
The colors, the journal pocket, and the matted photo work so well together.
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