
Monday 3 November 2014

Me on Monday

This weekend has been a taking antibiotics, having eardrops, keeping warm and not doing much sort of a weekend as I have come down with an ear infection.

It was also a spooky Friday, Penny entertaining her two friends with Halloween cake, 'blood' sorbet and scary movies kind of a weekend.

I hope that you had a better weekend than me!

No photo of me today as I am not at my best, but here is what has been keeping me going all weekend ...
Waving to Sian over a From High in the Sky, whose idea this Monday meme is.


scrappyjacky said...

Do hope you soon feel better.

Sian said...

Aw, no! that's rotten. I hope the antibiotics start working very soon and by the end of the week you are ready for a great weekend. Get Well Soon!

Miriam said...

Ear ache, such a horrible thing. I do hope you are better soon. I have spent the weekend on Antibiotics too...not pleasant

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Oh no! Hoping the ABs have kicked in now and you're starting to feel a little better.

Sandra said...

I'm so sorry to hear you're not well, I hope you feel better soon xxx

Karen said...

What an awful way to spend the weekend! Hope you're better SOON!

Jo said...

Oh that doesn't sound like a nice weekend, I hope you feel better soon x

Melissa said...

Hope you're feeling all better now & had a nice week!

Susanne said...

As I am visiting a week behind, I hope you are all better.

Anonymous said...

I'm a few days behind so I hope this finds you totally recovered and that it didn't last long.